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          We live in Twente, in Boekelo since 1969.
This village, rural and leafy,  in the South of Twente is an oasis of  rest compared with the bustle and congeries of stones and concrete in the West. Living and working here is good; you will find nature, space and variation.          
         On many pastoral inner roads and perfect cycle-path you can bike magnificent  In the leafy woods or the
peat-hags in Twente;  You can walk quietly, however, sometimes at an unexpected moment you come across  a Schottish Highlander.  It is a province with a great  diversity in landscape. 
         It is said that  you  may  characterize Twente  as a coulisse -landscape, bounded by  two stowage walls; in the east  along 'de Dinkel' and in the west along 'de Regge. 'There is much literature available about this area.         
An impression of Boekelo

They say that Boekelo is the salt-village; this is incorrect.
   In Boekelo there are still tubes underground where lukewarm water is pumped through, down to 400 meter
in the salt-layer. However, the upcoming  brine with a concentration of 300 gram pro liter is then transported to Hengelo,  where in big evaporation-boilers the salt is extracted and  refined to kitchen- or table-salt. 
(See plan on Main Page)

      A great many salt-cottages, called kennels as well, and some high slender
salt-towers  are the visible tokens of salt-making in Twente.
In top of a high drilling-frame there is a supply to tackle the pipes in- and out  of the ground. The low salt-cottages make use of a mobile hoist. Then the roof is simply
lifted up.
     It is true that 'de Koninklijke Nederlandse Zoutindustrie' established in Boekelo  in 1918 , but already the factory moved to Hengelo in 1935.
For many years  ' AKZO ' takes care of supply and outlet of warm water to the salt field,  and put the raw salt, won from brine into huge silos.
Besides salt, other minerals are extracted and improved from the brine.



          Nowadays Boekelo is more famous by the foundation of:
'Museum Buurt Spoorweg' (Local Railway Museum.)
.  Impressive M.B.S.steaml engines, the oldest locomotive dates back as early as 1896, goes up and down  between Haaksbergen en Boekelo.
In summer this is the ideal family trip to enjoy from the surroundings of coulisse-landscape and nostalgic  steam-engineering.  Before World-War II,  Boekelo was a part of the "Twents-Achterhoekse" railway system, constructed on initiative of the regional textile-manufacturers.   Currently, after more then one hundred years,l a small part of the railway, the section Haaksbergen-Boekelo, is still in use.

Boekelo perron


The Foundation is independent, not related with the 'Nederlandse Spoorwegen', but  M.B.S. employees are complete superevised by the N.S. 
In the village the so-called "reizigersakkomodatie" of the railway-halt "Zoutindustrie" has been beautiful restored. Again, the  illuminated platform is constructed, with an old-fashioned "abri". 
In 'de Boekelose straat', there is also an authentic hand-operated crossing with barriers, a signal-cabin and a turn-table as well
In Haaksbergen the railway-station from 1884 is completely restored in 19th century style with public convenience. it's worth a visit.
     In addtion to the  MBS,  unique in Europa (not to mention England), in Boekelo you will find the textile  printing-office Texoprint, known all over the world, and famous for her fine material.
This printing-office risen from 'de Boekelose Stoom Blekerij (B.S.B.)' is vital to image of the village community.   More then 110 year it was present in the village, but the activity and bustle in the buildings and offices is gone. 
Unfortunately the factory has almost gone bankrupt.

       During the last years there has been a hive of activity in Boekelo about the new  Grolsch business, he brewery  on the the "de Groote Plooy" terrain  just North of Boekelo.
Supporters and opponents of project, which has been realised now, were fighting with each other, not only with fists but with much hubbub as well
Both the village-board  and "Enschede's Local Authority" ("Gemeente Enschede) were involved in this matter.
The employment has been an important issue, but a heavy point  has been the cutting down from 586 trees. Meanwhile a modern automatic full-time operating brewery started with the production of  many hundreds of litres foamy beer. The official opening was on 1 April 2004
The contour of an enormous manufacturing plant is visible  along the 'Boekelose straat'.



         Groote Plaooy

More over Boekelo Click Boekelo Page 

Enjoy yourself.

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